Monday, October 23, 2006

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
CONGRATS!! You got FREEDOMM now!!!

Thank you for sharing a bit of your life experience with me, it meant a lot to me!
You're the only one, for the time being, show and assure me that no matter how worst we're dealing with in our daily lives, just as long as we struggle and fight for ourselves, we'll finally work our way out.
You know, you will deserve *something* better, much better in the future! Ooops don't forget to treat yourself better too... *HUGS*
Italian Tomato

There are regular and large for all beverages in the drink list for your selection. The prices between regular and large are not much

Sunday, September 17, 2006
諷刺文盲:一團和氣 + 解鈴還須繋鈴人

是日精選【一團和氣】yi tuan he qi +【解鈴還須繋鈴人】jie ling hai xu xi ling ren
解釋 - 一團和氣:原指態度和藹,與人關係和睦。今多指只講和氣,不講原則,不分是非。
解釋 - 解鈴還須繋鈴人:要從老虎頸項上把鈴鐺解下來,必須還由當初把鈴鐺繋上去的人來做才行。比喻由誰去惹出來的麻煩,還得由誰去解決。
J例:朋友之間一團和氣,又有邊個唔想?如果真係唔想嘅話呀,相信大家都唔會响聚會嘅時候一齊講返以前嘅開心事啦,係咪?大家都咁大個人,意見有分歧係在所難免... 當中真係有D咩誤會嘅,一定唔會單方面架,咁唔係應該大家都出嚟傾會比較直接同埋清楚咩?事出必有因,解鈴還須繋鈴人... 如果好似上面*一團和氣*嘅解釋咁講「只講和氣,不講原則,不分是非」的話,又何來有真正大家想要嘅一團和氣嘅日子呀?
Friday, September 15, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

經過一輪嘅混亂後,佢要求我俾返$100蚊睇急症D錢佢... 最尾我媽咪就入咗$1000蚊落佢戶口作少少補償囉...
P.S./ 而家D政府醫院都幾仆街架喎... 响急症室等嗰個女人嘅時候,我問D護士攞一滴咁多嘅火酒or消毒藥水嚟整理吓我隻腳個傷口啦... 但都要我俾錢先俾我... 死仆街!!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006

排緊隊嘅時候,我開始構思我嘅問題,當然我係諗住問吓我嘅戀愛運啦,去嗰度嘅objective嚟架ma!但係諗諗吓又好似好唔實際咁,同埋*男人老狗*走去問愛情... UMM好似有DD樣衰 :P... 咁咪諗住問吓事業囉,不過阿S話佢之前都問過事業... 但冇咩特別... 經過阿S一番鼓勵同勸導下,基於詢眾要求,我就唯有問返愛情啦... 嘻嘻!
由於嗰條神婆法力有限,只可以問3個月內發生嘅事,咁我咪問年底前有冇拖拍囉... *冇!* 唔需要幾秒睇完D牌就答我... *冇!* 喂,你唔好再直接D!少hurt架ma... 佢下一句就補充話因為我放唔低先前嗰個 (係咩?!?!?有D拱嘅樹??),不過霧水情緣就有,唉... 都好過冇啦... :P 跟住佢就叫我抽一隻牌出嚟,而依一隻牌就會係塔羅俾我嘅提示!我抽出嚟嗰隻係皇帝,咁我就問佢我隻牌咩意思啦... 佢立即面色一沈,話我太過執著於之前段感情嘅事,遇到個新嘅就會攞嚟比較... 就算嗰個人點好我都會覺得唔好... that's why *冇!* ... mmm.. 又啱噃!唔怪得我咁煤啦...
之後成晚阿S就以為我唔開心 (其實我又冇野喎!) ... 佢最尾就搵機會贈咗2句歌詞俾我 "The best... is yet to come... 最好的... 尚未... 來臨..." 嘻嘻!好sweet呀,thanks muah!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Turkish food is on the menu tonight


直到今日 (9月7日) 終於有人搵我見工喇!依份工係一間廣告公司嘅Account Manager (人工當然okay至於褔利就冇幸去知喇),唔係4A但佢嘅客仔都唔少來頭,牌面都唔錯。不過我肯定依間公司工唔會請我,因為我嘅表現平平,同埋第一次in廣告公司有少少緊張,鬼咩!D人串ma... :P 但係我都好開心,遇到個好好好smart嘅interviewer,俾我學到好多關於廣告公司內部嘅野、佢哋諗野嘅方法,同埋最重要嘅一點係我越來越知道我想要咩喇!哼,我下一定唔會失手架!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) intended to commit a crime and planned to slip into a maximum security prison at Fox River Penitentiary, Chicago for saving his bro's life. It's because his bro, Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell), was being set up and sentenced to the death penalty that will be executed in one month after. Michael then tries to get him out of there and finds out who's responsible.
Saturday, September 02, 2006

J例:開始咗第2日嘅搵工生涯,發現搵工的確唔易!莫講話要睇吓係咩公司、咩job nature、咩title、咩價錢及有冇prospect啦,又要好厭惡咁改嗰份討厭嘅cover letter同resume... 小心翼翼咁send咗個application出去又會有些少期望,唔覆你咩... 又要諗吓邊方面出咗問題... 如果你係一個唔樂觀嘅人就仲死得快!因為唔樂觀會導致冇心機,變得意志消沈而影響你嘅生產力,就算搵到分分鐘都未必係自己想要嘅...
Friday, September 01, 2006
Ladies' FAVOR!!

This series of vibrators provide three levels of vibration, so when to have your orgasm is totally controllable! Also, the inbuilt charger function definitely wouldn't run out of battery and piss you off while you are getting so fxxking wet... well unless you're encountering the blackout at your place :P
Vibrator A - Play Charm ($699)
Vibrator B - Play Little Gem ($629)
Vibrator C - Play Wand ($699) <-- Sell BEST!!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Healthy Planet

Cause of Pollution
Since the onset of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century, most manufacturing and power-generation concerns have obtained their supplies of energy through the combustion of fossil fuels. Such combustion processes promote the release of various pollutants into the atmosphere. General usage of the term 'air pollution' refers to the anthropogenic input of such pollutants into the troposphere. Pollutants in the troposphere usually have quite a short residence time since they tend to be washed out by rain, altered by chemical reaction or deposited on the ground within a short while of their input. Pollutants that are injected directly into the stratosphere are usually characterised by a much longer residence time since removal mechanisms are weaker due to the comparative lack of water in this layer of the atmosphere. Natural sources, including volcanic eruptions, seaspray and lightning also contribute large volumes of gases that are considered as pollutants.
Classification of Atmospheric Pollutants
Pollutants of the atmosphere may be classified according to their source or according to their chemical composition. Classification according to source is dependent on the site of formation of a pollutant: Primary pollutants are formed within ground-based sources (e.g. factories, cars, power plants, volcanoes, sea-spray) and released directly into the atmosphere. Secondary pollutants (e.g. acids, ozone), on the other hand, are formed in situ within the atmosphere as a result of the reaction of various primary pollutants with each other and with other constituents of the atmosphere.
Types of Atmospheric Pollutants
Various groups of pollutants may be identified according to chemical structure, and the following scheme should not be considered exclusive.
1. Suspended particulate matter (SPM): small solid particles such as dust, soot, ash, sand. These may be derived from combustion (soot, ash) or from natural sources (dust, sand). Particles smaller than 10ì in diameter, called PM10, can pose a health risk.
2. Volatile organic compounds (VOC): mainly hydrocarbons, derived from boilers and central heating units, mainly due to burning of coal. VOC can also escape from vehicle engines into the atmosphere. Such pollutants may interfere with other atmospheric processes leading to a formation of tropospheric ozone.
3. Oxides: this class of pollutants comprises carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO). All of these are products of combustion. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas released from vehicles, and its concentration in the atmosphere has increased with the rise in traffic density. Sulphur dioxide is derived from the sulphur present in most fossil fuels. Burning of these fuels oxidises the sulphur and converts it to sulphur dioxide. This gas can contribute to the formation of acid rain. Nitrogen oxides are mainly derived from combustion and contribute to the formation of acid rain.
4. Lead: the use of lead as an anti-knocking agent in petrol leads to the emission of this metal (as part of a chemical compound such as PbCl2) in automobile exhaust. Inhalation of lead compounds can produce serious effects on human health particularly in children.
5. Ozone (O3): although stratospheric ozone (as the ozone layer) is considered beneficial to humans, it nevertheless remains a health hazard. Ozone can form in the troposphere through photochemical reactions involving the breakdown of nitrogen dioxide. Since it is not directly emitted into the atmosphere from groundbased sources it therefore qualifies as a secondary pollutant. Some tropospheric ozone also accumulates through transfer from the stratosphere.
6. Radon: this gas is a natural product of the radioactive decay of uranium that occurs in rocks and soil. Since radon is radioactive, it can decay to form small electrically-charged particles than can bind to small particles of dust present in the air. When this dust is inhaled, these particles (which emit radiation) are introduced into therespiratory system.
The present atmosphere of the Earth is probably not its original atmosphere. Our current atmosphere is what chemists would call an oxidizing atmosphere, while the original atmosphere was what chemists would call a reducing atmosphere. In particular, it probably did not contain oxygen.
Composition of the Atmosphere
The original atmosphere may have been similar to the composition of the solar nebula and close to the present composition of the Gas Giant planets, though this depends on the details of how the planets condensed from the solar nebula. That atmosphere was lost to space, and replaced by compounds outgassed from the crust or (in some more recent theories) much of the atmosphere may have come instead from the impacts of comets and other planetesimals rich in volatile materials.
The oxygen so characteristic of our atmosphere was almost all produced by plants (cyanobacteria or, more colloquially, blue-green algae). Thus, the present composition of the atmosphere is 79% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, and 1% other gases.
Layers of the Atmosphere
The atmosphere of the Earth may be divided into several distinct layers, as the following figure indicates.
The Troposphere
The troposphere is where all weather takes place; it is the region of rising and falling packets of air. The air pressure at the top of the troposphere is only 10% of that at sea level (0.1 atmospheres). There is a thin buffer zone between the troposphere and the next layer called the tropopause.
The Stratosphere and Ozone Layer
Above the troposphere is the stratosphere, where air flow is mostly horizontal. The thin ozone layer in the upper stratosphere has a high concentration of ozone, a particularly reactive form of oxygen. This layer is primarily responsible for absorbing the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. The formation of this layer is a delicate matter, since only when oxygen is produced in the atmosphere can an ozone layer form and prevent an intense flux of ultraviolet radiation from reaching the surface, where it is quite hazardous to the evolution of life. There is considerable recent concern that manmade flourocarbon compounds may be depleting the ozone layer, with dire future consequences for life on the Earth.
The Mesosphere and Ionosphere
Above the stratosphere is the mesosphere and above that is the ionosphere (or thermosphere), where many atoms are ionized (have gained or lost electrons so they have a net electrical charge). The ionosphere is very thin, but it is where aurora take place, and is also responsible for absorbing the most energetic photons from the Sun, and for reflecting radio waves, thereby making long-distance radio communication possible.
The structure of the ionosphere is strongly influenced by the charged particle wind from the Sun (solar wind), which is in turn governed by the level of Solar activity. One measure of the structure of the ionosphere is the free electron density, which is an indicator of the degree of ionization.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The Birth of Gemini

- 宙斯 (Zeus)
- 斯巴達城王后 (Leda, the queen of Sparta)
- 雙子兄 (Castor) - 人
- 雙子弟 (Pollux/Polydeuces) - 神
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

J例:其實好多人都係各人自掃門前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜架啦... 隨住社會變得越來越複雜,人心都變得越來越複雜,好多人有咁嘅想法、動機同埋動作已經唔單只係純粹自私咁簡單... 中間可能有利益、妒忌、自信等影響因素。我認為依個係一種心理病囉,我亦都相信好多人唔多唔少係有依種問題,不過可能佢哋唔覺,又或者佢哋覺但冇膽去承認... 去面對... 去改善啩!如果响依個咁繁忙緊張虛偽嫉妒猜疑嘅生活裡面,我哋問心每日攞兩毫子誠意去真正咁關心身邊嘅人(當然唔可以成日都係你老竇老母啦,依個係你應該嘅!),咁樣我哋嘅生活會唔會變得冇咁卑微呢?
Movie Preview: The Lake House

The same troupe of Speed, Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, 9 years later after Speed 2 we have them on the same screen again - The Lake House.
Saw its trailer on TV yesterday! It seems to be okay, the kinda typical romance movie as usual... that's good for me though, haven't seen any romances after Pride & Prejudice. While I was watching the trailer, one thing did really draw my attention is that don't know since when Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock have become the *uncle and aunt type* am intrigued :P Think they look a bit old for this kinds of romance, really... Maybe this is the gimmick? Anyway, I will definitely see it. It's coming out on 7th September in Hong Kong!!
The Full Synopsis
Feeling that it’s time for a change in her life, Dr. Kate Forster (Sandra Bullock) leaves the suburban Illinois locale where she completed her residency and takes a job at a busy Chicago hospital. One thing she is reluctant to leave behind is the uniquely beautiful house she’s been renting – a spacious and artfully designed refuge with large windows that overlook a placid lake. It’s a place in which she felt her true self.
It is a winter morning in 2006.
On her way to the city, Kate leaves a note in the mailbox for house’s next tenant, asking him to forward her mail and noting that the inexplicable painted paw prints he might notice by the front door were there when she moved in.
But when the next tenant arrives, he sees a much different picture. Alex Wyler (Keanu Reeves), a talented but frustrated architect working at a nearby construction site, finds the lake house badly neglected: dusty, dirty and overgrown with weeds. And no sign of paw prints anywhere.
The house has special meaning for Alex. In a happier time it was built by his estranged father (Christopher Plummer), a renowned architect who allowed his professional acclaim to grow at the expense of his family life. Alex feels a sense of peace here now and commits to restoring the property to its original beauty. He disregards Kate’s note until, days later, while painting the weather-beaten jetty he sees a stray dog run across the fresh paint and then towards the entrance of the house, leaving paw prints exactly where she said they’d be.
Baffled, Alex writes back, saying that the house had no occupant before him and wondering how she could have known about the dog; while Kate, who just left it a week ago, imagines he is playing some kind of joke on her and fires back a reply.
Just for argument’s sake, what day is it there?
April 14, 2004.
No, she says. It’s April 14, 2006.
The same day, two years apart.
Can this be happening?
As Kate and Alex continue to correspond through the lake house’s mailbox they confirm that they are, incredibly, impossibly, living two years apart, and each at a time in their lives when they are struggling with past disappointments and trying to make a new start. Sharing this unusual bond, they reveal more of themselves to one another with each passing week – their secrets, their doubts and dreams, until they find themselves falling in love.
Determined to bridge the distance between them at last and unravel the mystery behind their extraordinary connection, they tempt fate by arranging to meet. But, by trying to join their two separate worlds, they could risk losing each other forever.
Friday, August 25, 2006

J例:記得朋友K而家個boy friend响好耐之前瞞住佢去偷食,仲要惹嗰個想俾人fuck嘅女仔返去佢哋屋企做... 最後somehow俾阿K發現,佢質問佢boy friend但佢boy friend又唔認,仲要反臺話阿K屈佢,冇耐就分手喇。隔咗好耐阿K都放唔低,話個男仔其實好perfect、對佢好好喎,所以成日响度等個男仔搵返佢... 等到望穿秋水... 終於有一日,個男仔真係打返電話俾佢認錯喇!自此之後,佢哋都好似好好咁囉.. 恭喜晒 hehe :P
J's 10 Most Wanted

In alphabetical order...
1. A Master's degree in Media/Communication OR Journalism (Been suggested to do it next year, 2007)
2. Astronomical Observation (Class's already started. I've collected some useful info that I can learn more about the fundamentals myself @_@)
3. Cooking (I baked my first CAKE (BANANA flavor) one or two week's' ago!!! Yeahhh... but it wasn't eatable... 'cause I didn't put the sugar V_V)
4. English Calligraphy (Probably do it in HKU lah...)
5. Das Deutsch (Started picking up the grammar and vocabulary... currently am reading a German literature as well :P)
6. Harmonica (OH... am dying to learn that!! Gotta wait and see if my friend would join me... approximately will do it in November)
7. Mathematics (Will buy an exercise to review at first, then see what happensss)
8. Oil painting OR Watercolor (Will need some time to figure out which I like more***)
9. English Phonetics and Phonology (HEHEHE... enrolled the course commenced in October)
10. Thai Boxing (Wanna do it in Swish Club, YEAHH!!)
Thursday, August 24, 2006
諷刺文盲:膽小如鼠 + 心照不宣

是日精選【膽小如鼠】dan xiao ru shu +【心照不宣】xin zhao bu xuan
解釋 - 膽小如鼠:形容人膽量小得像隻老鼠。
解釋 - 心照不宣:彼此心裡明白,不用說出來。(照:知曉;明白。宣:公開說出。)
J例:噚日考試嘅時候,可能有D緊張,結果响reading time嗰時我就冇咩意識咁動咗筆,寫咗一句野... 呀... 之後就仆街喇!為表我冇心咁做同埋公平,我立即撕咗嗰頁紙落嚟,然後*質*咗張紙入櫃筒囉... 臺面冇位ma!條監考員就走過嚟睇吓嗰張係咪貓紙,跟住就叫我攝返張紙入本answer book到,fine!咁咪攝囉!點知隔咗一陣,條白痴嗅化西就發作喇,無端端走埋嚟一粒聲都唔出就响我寫緊答案嗰本answer book到扯返先前佢叫我攝入去張紙出嚟睇,再次睇吓係唔係貓紙 (You Mother Fucker... 頭先你咪睇X咗囉!)。搞到我唔記得我想寫咩,完全俾佢distract晒,又嘥晒我D時間諗過喎!依條白痴嗅化西一共响分別2個唔同嘅時段做咗2次同樣動作!!
今日,我當然要投訴到佢貼唔到塊*姨媽巾*為止啦... 打去個admin到問,原來依條白痴嗅化係監考員嘅leader喎... 我咪打去同佢當面對質囉,膽小如鼠嘅佢死口唔認嗰個係佢自己,只稱呼當日嗰個係佢個同事,但佢又搞笑喎... 當我講起嗰時個情況同D細節野,佢又曉用第一身嚟response架喎!唉... 大家心照不宣啦,*撚*樣!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Reminiscence Five: Not so BAAD

Couples weeks ago, I went to hike with buds (3 beginners included me) in Sai Kung and done a 4-star trail.. guess what, we were cheated by a hiking website which says that 'the trail is for age 6-60', but it didn't highlight it's for AGE 6-60 HIKING WIZ!!! Think we'd be eaten by the wolves or something if we weren't nimble and swift..HUM!
In the middle of our journey, we unexpectedly saw a beam through a gap in the cloudy sky that illuminated the dead sea as if there's an UFO right over the gap and hunting the survivorsss... HAHAHA entertaining huh :P Well life is always like that, when your're in the never-worse-circumstance, good things will come along.....'I simply remember my favorite thingSSSS, and then I don't feel SOOO BADD...' - My Favorite Things - Julie AndrewS.
Reminiscence Four: Before Sunrise
The temperature is quite different between day and night there; it's like 35-40 degree in the day, but less than 10 degree at night. Remember one night I stayed at the yurt in the steppe, right outside of mine was a campfire party held by the hordes. That night was SOOOO BEAUTIFUL, sky was clear, countless stars shining over my head, full moon with vivid moonlight. What a beautiful creation of nature!!
Reminiscence Three: BIG BIG Boobs Secret

Couple weeks ago I'd been to a so-called international exhibition in Bangkok, nearby the exhibition centers there is a mini wet-market where sells raw foodss and some of them I hadn't even seen in Hong Kong before. Here you GOooo...LADIESS, MY RECOMMENDATION - North Thai YAM.
Was told that this is the thing makes thai women's BOOOOBS BIGGER!!! According to my bud, the yam has some fiber thing that stimulate estrogenic hormone, this is why it helps extend the size of breastSS.. it really works!! If you're going to Thai later, why don't you buy some as souvenirs for your buddies and gfs??
[HMM.... there's a 'but', normally the size of this yams is very BIG, at least bigger than a baby head. Just make sure your baggage got enough space for this huh]
Reminiscence Two: Wen-Cheng-Wu-Wei

"This book, or photo journal as I prefer to call it, is a collection of some of my most personal thoughts and feelings captured in the form of images on film. Apart from the occasional accompaniment of words, I am using my body as a tool for artistic expression, as a medium of communication and as language itself. Words can often be twisted around, but only I myself can contort my own body in whichever way that I may please. As a performing artist, I feel the need and the urge to be comfortable in my own skin and at ease with my body." - Karen Morris
[P.S. She looks really COOOL in Salvatore Ferragamo huh]
Reminiscence One: Autumn in Hong Kong
Monday, August 14, 2006

是日精選【拍案叫絕】pai an jiao jue
J例:今日,公司嗰個白癡同事 (肥仔M) 又嚟一次佢嘅「每月扮病博同情演出」。為咗突顯佢嘅工作熱誠,佢雖然聲稱好唔舒服,話下晝唔可以返工,但仍然喺十分鐘之後改變初衷,喺下晝返咗工。佢嘅演技精湛,十分鐘之內佢可以由「頭暈、腳軟、標冷汗」變成「抖咗一陣好好多」,又可以用一秒時間,由沙聲 (點解「頭暈、腳軟、標冷汗」把聲會沙架呢吓?太不可思議啦!) 變回正常…呢位同事嘅精彩演出,真令人拍案叫絕。其實佢唔應該埋沒佢嘅天份,不如辭咗呢份工,去廟街擺檔啦!
星座與希臘神話 (Constellations and Greek Myths)

講者:黃衍蕃先生 (坐井會幹事)
講座三:秋季星空2006年8月17日 (星期四)
講座四:冬季星空2006年8月24日 (星期四)
講座五:春季星空2006年8月31日 (星期四)
**為方便有興趣人士能夠參與整個講座系列,太空館會預派下一次講座的入場券予進場人士 (講座五除外)。
(以上詳情請瀏覽香港太空館網頁 http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Space )
Sunday, August 13, 2006

"When you get to know about this story, good luck has already come to you..."
Hahaha is it true? If luck is all about fate and arrangement, then I should thank God for His arrangement for sending Ms. V to give me this book 'cause it's a gift given by her on the last day I left my previous company :P
How interesting it is! This book is written by two spanish Economists, Alex Rovira and Fernando Trias de Bes, they not only hadn't implied any economic ideas in the story, but instead chosen an ordinary children's literature style to show the core message that they tended to share, which made this book more lively. Also, these guys spent eight hours to get the book written, but three years to research on *luck* and assemble the info about *luck*.
Four-leaf Clover is in the leading role of the story; in fact, it's a category of creeping oxalis with four inverted heart-shaped leaves. Supposedly, it has three-leaf before its mutation, but don't know since when some of them sprouted one more leaf for unknown reason, therefore, a rare part of them have four leaves. According to the legend, saying that the first leaf represents *Belief*, the second leaf represents *Love*, the third one *Hope* and the forth one *Luck*. If you're lucky, the three-leaf clover will sprout the forth leaf for you!
Saturday, August 12, 2006

Movie Review: 狼羊物語 (Stormy Night)

整體上套戲都唔係完冇意思嘅,不過只係用好唔impressive嘅手法話比你知朋友好重要,對朋友要坦白,只要雙方交個心出嚟... 即使個現實再話比你聽你兩個有幾唔夾都可以做到好朋友咁囉... !
Friday, August 11, 2006


Monday, August 07, 2006
Wislawa Szymborska

Wislawa Szymborska, the winner of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Literature.
Love At First Sight
Both are convinced
That a sudden surge of emotion bound them together...
Beautiful is such a certainty
But uncertainty is more beautiful still.
Because they didn't know each other earlier,
They supposed that nothing was happening between them.
What of the streets, stairways and corridors,
Where they could have
Passed each other long ago
I'd like to ask them whether they remember
- perhaps in a revolving door ever being face to face?
An 'excuse me' in a crowd
Or a voice 'wrong number' in the receiver.
But I know their answer:
No, they don't remember.
They'd be greatly astonished
To learn that for a long time chance had been playing with them.
Not yet wholly ready
To transform into fate for them,
It approached them, then backed off,
Stood in their way
And, suppressing a giggle, jumped to the side.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest

Johnny Depp (Captain Jack Sparrow) is definitely the essence of the movie. He is funny and hilarious as usual, think his acting is better than the first one aired couple years ago, well... more *slick* I'd portray. As for Orlando Bloom (Will Turner) and Keira Knightley (Elizabeth Swann), both of them aren't quite outstanding in their actings, they're so-so.
What really intrigued me is when and why that Elizabeth has a want of Jack and how does the Black Pearl relive as it's already destroyed and sinked into the sea? Ohh.. and I'm now looking forward to the next Pirates of the Caribbean, in that I so much wanna see Mr. Chow Yun Fat who starred Cheung Po Tsai (our Chinese historial pirate) in the movie! CAN'T WAIT!!