Monday, April 24, 2006


AHHH things get even worse... I didn't know that crappy *entourage* is aired on HBOOOO.. not until I searched for this picture just now... umm not surprisingly it claimed it's MEN's version of Sex and the City when it first launched into the market.

Vincent Chase, played by Adrian Grenier, the so-called rising star in Hollywood who loves partying, wandering around and doing nothing... NOTE! A RISING star can afford any houses he wants in Beverly Hills!! Umm SOUNDS Hollywood really makes big money huh :P but who knows a falling star may be eating shit down hills??? hehe well don't really wanna make any personal comments on this shitty TV series from my beloved HBO (Well... abso-fucking-lutely not so into its shows anymore... especially after knowing it starts producing crap!) ... I can only give it a word: SUPERFICIAL...

J's Art Gallery

WELCOME to J'SSSSSS ART GALLERY, HURRAY!! Well.. from now on think I will collect more and more wonderful paintings for your visual experience and enjoyment.

For the GRAND opening, of course I will show you guys something representative of my hometown Hong Kong lah... HERE you go, the painting am gonna share today is - Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui - painted by a friend of my boss... the painter used the method of traditional Chinese landscape painting with diversiform colors to make this painting more modernized and living. Also, this painting embodies the hectic Nathan Road we always see in our daily lives, and the painter has put different kinds of vehicle in the painting that reinforces the image of Hong Kong.

Hmmm really need to find out the painter's name and acknowledge him or her here ah!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Karen Mok - 如果沒有你

OH GODDDD 等了3年,終於等到莫文蔚的新專輯《如果沒有你》.... 果然冇白等!!! 在這碟中莫文蔚的風格依然非常之咁"莫文蔚",除了《薄荷》同《Fire》我覺得"OKAY lah"之外,基本上每首歌都份量十足,勁正,好似《如果沒有你》、《手》、《24 hrs 國/粵》、《AMPM》、《一口一口》、《一個人睡》、《甜美生活》、《天下大同》及《眾生緣》等等.....

比較以往Karen的唱片,這張專輯中的感性歌比較多,加上不知是否拍拖的人特別sentimental,所以佢唱慘情的或開心的都顯得份外有feel,好consuming!! 我第一次聽《如果沒有你》、《手》及《AMPM》的時候都有點毛管豎起的感覺,同埋好有說服力的歌詞,好容易就picture到首歌想帶出的畫面 :p 而《甜美生活》則較為輕快,一聽就知佢 is in love lah..

另外,發覺Karen這張碟已經冇咁多無謂的花巧野,例如碟名及歌名都唔會有英文譯名lu... 唔通戀愛真係會令人變得務實,更追求簡單嗎?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Freehand Drawing

When I was watching my favorite cartoon 'Saint Seiya' this boring afternoon, I suddenly grabbed the color pens and did a sketch on a note book... the drawing reminds me how 'okay' I am with some sorts of artistic stuffs (in a way)... later tonight, I showed my mom the drawing and she said I'd better study art for Master other than business... hmm I wondered whether she really meant it...