Wednesday, June 28, 2006


剛過去的個幾禮拜真的難捱,因為我終於病咗... 可能平時不規則的睡眠時間,加上又煙又炸及少水少生果的飲食習慣導致我由喉嚨痛變成淋巴核發炎,再變成耳仔痛,再再嚴重的或者會患上中耳炎 tim.... 吃過了醫生開給我服用的antibiotics當然好了很多,但今次的不適令我感覺特別難受!!!

*難受二:D藥超"散",行路時好似飲酒飲到wing wing地咁

而家病好了,飲食習慣開始有改善,但睡眠時間及每天做運動則有待跟進,至於戎煙... 就尚未落實 :P

Monday, June 19, 2006

J's Art Gallery: Natureshot

***Pictures provided by Reuters and AP.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


昨晚我最愛之一的朋友J (唔係我自己呀..)來搵我傾計,咁耐冇見,大談大家近況係理所當然的。估唔到佢第一個問題又問返我過了人生的四分一個世紀有咩感覺... (嘩~ 好邪呀!唔講還以為佢識Lu姐tim!) 之前Lu姐都有問過這個問題,我都未有正式去想,但今次個問題又返嚟喇,似乎我真係要認真想想... 用了3-4分鐘的時間,我回答J:「我想我係滿意的,但有時候未免太奢侈了!」

奢侈的,不是我能買多少名牌,不是我每天吃什麼的大魚大肉,而是我之前真的浪費了一少少少少部分人生最黃金的時間去做了一些無關痛癢的事which我都唔係好記得某幾段時間我做過了什麼 - BLANK!那不算奢侈咩? 不過,我並沒有後悔我所做的一切,只係覺得如果這些時間沒有浪費的話,有可能而家我會做得更好,但到目前為止,我係滿意的。

今日睇完了"Walk the line"之後都有少少反省,whether you walk the line or not,it's your own choice (Ooops by the way,套戲好好睇,對某些人來說可能有少少悶,但Reese Witherspoon做得非常好呀!!)!所以,有一樣野係務必要盡快令自己做返好的,就係我的人際技巧。哼.. 說起來真的有點ridiculous,這幾年間,唔知咩關係我變得非常自我,而過份自我於某個程度上變成自負,拖垮了我與身俱來的人際技巧... 由細到大我是一個不愁沒朋友的人,因為我真係可以周街就同陌生人聊起來,甚至聊個興高采烈;工作或讀書方面,都會予人感覺親切及樂意幫忙的,可能我的笑容實在太吸引啦... 呵呵呵 (Here I am again :P)。直到現在,情況尚算樂觀,只不過有時侯真的not as good and smooth as before 啫!而家的我想笑就笑,唔笑又好cool咁,唔想同人講野或知道那條友冇料到就完全一粒聲都唔出,唉... 再咁落去唔得ga woh!Marketing同Public Relations 你點做呀?? Hmmm... 真係唔想再同腦裡面的兩隻雙子玩遊戲喇 :P

Yesterday Hong Kong

I got nothing to do after tea with my bud in Central yesterday afternoon. I couldn't head back home as I needed to be out and stood by for mom's call; meanwhile, my bud gotta get back to her office and stick with her paperwork.... then I decided to go to Tsim Sha Tsui to buy some CDs and DVDs by taking ferry, think this is how I could spend my time without boring myself :P

Perhaps my moods aren't quite good lately, taking the ferry is sort of a way that I can free myself and get my head rebooted. A while later, I looked at the sky... it was sooooo beautiful and peaceful in the victoria harbor, I came to recall when I last see this beautiful view of Hong Kong?!?! Before am answering to this question, my head poped up another question that our Hong Kong is back... when am I coming back?

Thursday, June 15, 2006


今日早上去了試玩這個昂坪纜車,又一次証明,冇料到就冇料到,點claim自己係全亞洲最長or最高纜車blah blah blah都冇用... 老實說,我真係唔覺得架纜車好高,同埋佢都好stable,完全理解唔到某些人好似好freak out咁,唔通因為今次係試玩所以佢哋怕魂斷昂坪???

我今次個package值$14x蚊,包來回纜車票及2張山上昂坪市集的影院門票,一套叫「與佛同行」而另一套叫「靈猴影院」,2套都係卡通片,畫功唔錯,mmm... 不過故事帶出的都係abc的東西啦!最難頂的就係「與佛同行」最後一幕出現了30-40個廣告牌,超級hard sell囉!!

***上車小貼士:我哋上次上車時就懶好人咁比咗班"C奶"同我哋坐同一架車,結果就出事... 全程需時25分鍾,班"C奶"就講足全程!仲要一係就dead air,一係就3、4個一齊講,3、4把聲以高中低音重疊with完全無聊的話題加埋一個密室sort of的車廂... 嘩~~ NO KIDDING喇,360 surround sound wave會死人架!

Friday, June 09, 2006


唉... 雨季來了都差不多兩個幾月,終於都懸掛黑色暴雨警告訊號啦,不過返咗工先上... 的確有點兒浪費啊!今日返工時,感覺有點怪怪的... 原先以為自己係比較容易被天氣而影響心情的一群,其實都唔係呀... 因為今日好多同事都似乎好有holiday mood咁,個個都懶到出汁... hmm 反而我本來想今日於公司幹一番(最後的)大事ga ma.... 超!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Better or Worse

It's like standing right at the edge of the cliff.... Should you want freedom, you have to jump into the sea, but what if you will die or be drowned in there? You will never know!

God certainly gives you a few minutes to decide whether you want to do so or not. If your answer is yes, then you gotta be brave and alive. Hoping that you will get on the right island, and expecting your better life out there. If your answer is no, then good luck!

I quitted my crappy job today eventually; and my answer is yes.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


工作上所帶來的不快已經唔係最近的事,為此事而變得意志消沈、變得唔專業更係無補於事,但 (在工作上) 我是真的如此。

自從有離開這間垃圾公司的念頭開始,一向好著緊自己工作的我已完全唔care所有有關公司的事;我亦唔care人哋對我有什麼批評,因為自己做唔做到野,唔應該係由人哋把口話比自己知ga ma!但今日... 我都覺得我係任性咗,就算我怎樣唔care都好,都冇理由做D野出來令自己feel bad嘅... 中招,中晒招,唔唔唔... 我覺得自己好好好鬼死唔專業呀... ahhhhhhhh I won't let this happen again lah!!

哈哈,在這垃圾公司工作就當一個為期2年的intensive地獄式training program吧!課程簡介:反性格分裂管理、如何扮聾及扮盲 - 選擇性地接收廣泛的資訊及對一些無關痛癢的人和事視而不見、 每天危機管理、慈善Workshop - 讓更需要錢的同事急速上位、互相了解Seminar - 體諒老闆有錢都唔加人工的道理及唔發放花紅的心情等 (隨課程附送 "Poor Boss, Rich Boss" 一本)。

呵呵呵,其實唔難理解自己點解不時encounter到這些不如意的事嘅,自知自己係塊靚玉,上天又點會唔起勢咁啄我喎... 哈哈哈哈哈 :P 希望我和我的朋友的前途好似張相一樣雨過天晴啦!YEAHHH~

Thursday, June 01, 2006


Sighhh poor me, I really can't deal with animal-related things... every time when I see this kinda movie/documentry/program (if the ending/story/subject is sad) I will feel pretty sad for them and even tear or cry! Just like tonight, I watched "KING KONG" with my bud... and I teared at the end as Kong didn't do anything wrong but our selfish human took him from where he belongs to and then crisis occured, just had him killed ;<

I think I'm being so silly sometimes, everyone KNOWSSSSSS "KING KONG" is a pretty classic movie and it's likely seen as a HERO or an IDOL in the eyes of many people. It's unlike those programs on Animal Planet which tells you what really is happening in the nature etc.... then why the hell I teared for KING KONG's death? ... ehh I don't know :P