Wednesday, May 31, 2006


終於到了25歲啦!嘩~ 學Lu姐咁話,話咁快就到了人生的四分一個世紀,唉... 但仲未有咩作為,只覺得無形的責任帶來了越來越重and大的壓力... 唔唔唔... 不過,哈哈,好彩我今年的生日玩得好開心,並未有"拾下拾下"咁過喎 :P

昨晚放工的時候,同事們突然捧住個生日蛋糕來同我興祝,個蛋糕上面仲寫住"J祝你財色兼收",嘻嘻,咁客氣呀!Thank橋喎 :P 之後,佢哋即克隊咗我飲2罐啤酒and兩杯champers喇!呵呵,我阿head唔隊得又學人隊,隊咗1罐啤酒之後就起勢咁唱歌,唱了一大堆完全未聽過嘅舊歌... 最後佢終於唱了一首我識嘅,就係:婚紗背後!!哈哈哈哈哈~ 鬼咩!昨日又係佢last day,我知佢其實好唔捨得依間垃圾公司同其他同事 (尤其係我啦,皆因我係佢最後一個愛徙boh!) ---> 後記:星期四返到公司聽同事講佢最終都嘔了出來... YUCKKK

呵呵,輪到氣玉到喇!放工之後我的DEAR FRIENDSSS約了我到中環食飯,食飯之前我就去了買六合彩,因為頭獎有$33,000,000呀!咪想去try下我個luck囉!(加上這時係7:XXp.m.,正正就是我25年前出世的時間呀,所以張六合彩都幾值得keep...) ---> 後記:但我真係2張都中晒,結果冇得keep :P

食飯的地方叫"花X樓" (can't remember the name lah),食上海菜,菜餚都okay-lah啦。飯後朋友遞了一張類似意見書的物體給我,咁我咪填囉.... 填到年齡那part,佢有幾個box比你揀,如:18-24、25-29等... 跟住我就問佢哋我應該tick邊個好,因為30號未過boh.... 有一個朋友就串了我一野,話:頭先唔知邊個大大聲咁話7:XXp.m.出世呢,都生咗出來啦,點會未25? 嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻~ 又係boh :P

再之後,我哋先去Langkwaifong飲野後去跳舞,跳舞的地點係Insomnia,以前都okay鍾意去,但隨住年齡的增長,鈣質一日一日的流失,都好耐冇去... OH GODDD,唔知點解今次去到已經變了個大fish pond喇!男釣女、女釣男、豬扒 VS. 豬扒,but the live band is still good 嘅... 最最最搞笑的係有兩個著到好似拍Matrix的鬼佬來了,我同我的friends一直企於台邊,而我就比隔離某幾塊豬扒盯住,佢哋仲一邊用右手噤住前額and頭髮,一邊就用左手噤住個肚發狂咁"UN"... "UN"到好似停唔到咁,哈哈!突然那兩位Matrix打救了我,非常英勇地捨身擁抱住成個豬扒餐,HURRAYY!不過,當豬扒餐的成員向Matrix做出咸蛋超人的交叉手and SAY NO之後,我的gals就無一幸免... Matrix向佢哋發動一連串散彈式進攻,逐個逐個輪住撩,美貌與智慧並重的我又豈能就守旁觀呢?!?!我就前去用手搭住我的friends搏頭,再用手指"壇"開那兩條淫棍,"壇"多幾野之後佢先發現點解又係我呢 :P 嘻嘻,最終佢哋個樣好pissed咁走咗lu....

嘻嘻嘻... So 我個25歲生日 was a good fun ga! :P

Monday, May 29, 2006


29 May is my birthday eve, every year I will spend some time on this particular day to review my performances (in any aspects) and figure out 'what's next?' for the coming year, so that I can get myself well-prepared to welcome the new age comes and face to some other responsibilities and challenges.

Tonight as usual, I start to think how's my 24-year-old-life! Well it's like a roller coaster going up and going down (well you may say life is supposed to be like that, and yes, you're right but mine's mainly going down and sometimes on a flat line if I'm lucky :P)... I lost my goals, didn't really know what to do and where to go. Everything was just pretty hazy; couldn't go forward and of course didn't wanna go backward. TOOO many many unexpected things happened, I know that they were likely caused because of my laziness and immaturity.

On the other hand, what I've got is truly understanding sometimes we really have to let things go, no matter what (honestly, I was stuck with one thing for almost 3 years which now I think is a pretty waste of my time...)... by accepting things unwanted and letting them go somehow you would learn forgiving people as well as forgiving yourself (nevermind if you ain't with me...). Sooo now I will try not to care something pisses me off but really trivial...

Emm one thing I manage to accomplish is to save some money, whatever how much would that be, it's a good habit (in a way) to cultivate after all :P

Having talked to my boss during the meal this afternoon, I told her about how I planned my careers and what I am gonna do in the future etc. She agrees with me that I gotta experience more related jobs and different fields then to tell what I really wanna do for the rest of my life, I can't just make any judgments by assuming and listening to others... hmm but this year would probably be the last chance to put myself out for *TRIAL* freely :P

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The day has ARRIVED

呵呵呵.... 等到頸都長,終於等到影智能身分證相的日子喇!其實原本約了4月27日 (因4月27日係我農曆生日,希望可以在新的身分證上出現2個生日日期囉),不過由於工作太忙,搞到去唔到,所以要再約過... 結果最後約了5月24日,嘻嘻,再約過都好,因為我忘記了身分證上的Issue Date有理年份,Soooo 2006年5月24日先係我今年的真正生日 :P

剛剛去完了尖沙咀的Smart ID Card Centre影相,發現其實我個樣於我個age group黎講都算細 (都唔知係好定唔好喇... ehh),個個都好似阿叔咁... 最超級致命的,便是我的registration準備完成之際,我問個counter職員洗手間點去 (因為我真的非常"急"),然後條友答:「裡面都有鏡!」Oh fuck me deeply honey!我對我個樣都唔會無信心 ga woh!!Hmmmm.....

我一共影了4張相,頭2張比條老坑點錯我,搞到對眼望了其他地方,好似有strabismus咁... 到影第4張時,佢突然話我個頭好似水怪,於是我"露齒地"笑了出來,而我就pick了這張,夠自然mah :P 我問番個阿伯何出此言,佢話我個look似游水人,個頭昇上水面時就會好似水怪咁喎... umm don't get his joke at all.... anyway, I had a good evening though hehe~

Monday, May 22, 2006


Receiving love starts with being able to give love. Giving love starts with being able to love yourself.

Special Thanks:
Picture provided by Avalon Gallery Contemporary Fine Art -

Saturday, May 20, 2006

日暈 (Halo)

昨日上班的時候,因天氣實在太好... 所以我按捺不住,成日望住個天,竟然間我見到一條圓形的彩虹圍住個太陽,覺得好靚同理感覺好舒服。直到今朝睇報紙的時候,先發現這條並不是彩虹,而是一種叫「日暈」(Halo) 的天文現象。



Friday, May 19, 2006

Right Timing

Couple days ago the Hong Kong Observatory reported the typhoon 'Pearl' would come to Hong Kong pretty soon; meanwhile, in those mornings you will easily to see these words 'typhoon Pearl' appeared in the headlines on most newspapers' front page. Besides, our dear mother country - China - predicted Pearl would probably be the most powerful and truculent typhoon in the past 57 years... CLEVER! Sounds pretty serious huh... and I made a rare decision which I don't really do so even if there's raining cats and dogs and dogs and cats: to bring the umbrella.

OH WELL, god bless Hong Kong... it didn't rain much, in order to save my effort to bring the umbrella... I seized the chance to get out of the office for lunch while outside's raining, so that I can make good use of it. But somehow for the fuck sake the rain stopped by then!! Later that afternoon, I couldn't stop thinking about the rain and looking at them.

Ummm.... at the end, I realized when we start to do somethin', we can't just depend on the so-called evidence shows in our eyes which seems to support us to take action; we still need to consider if we're doing it in the right time, OR in fact we are already programmed to do things in the right time. Sometimes we can't force ourselves to make things happen or get it on the right track, yet we should do is to learn letting go and see how it goes AND WAIT for the right time comes along.

P.S. Need to thanks Pearl though, cause' it cleared out the dusts that blurred our sky! :P YEAH

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Tonight is a very special night to me, the first reason is that my best friends and I finally get together again since our last gathering almost a year ago, and the second reason is this gathering is especially tailored for both my ELDER sisterSSS Ms C and Ms J's 25-birthday, which really adorns the gathering much much more wonderful!

Well... haven't seen each other for ages, of course we got loads of things to talk about, like career, social life, love life and *SEX LIFE* (with some sluttish buds only hehe). And there're many many many GOOD news fly around the table, such as an old friend of mine is getting married, someone in the table owns her design firm, someone is in love, and someone fucked a you-know-what pussy etc. I seemed to be the only one with the least good news.... *SIGH* .... anyway, this kinds of crisscross conversation is really dried my throat, and all these good news (EXCEPT the pussy thing) remind me how OLD I am going onto and how much I've missed in the past few years.

After such GREAT dinner (great as in seeing my good friends, not the foods. Foods are OKAY-LAH), then I happen to think how I can live better in all respects as I didn't do anything has actual benefits for myself... so now, showtime!