Friday, September 22, 2006


是日精選【欲蓋彌彰】yu gai mi zhang


J例:去掩飾自己嘅缺點、短處或者係一D自己唔想俾人知嘅事係人之常情。如果你發現身邊嘅人欲蓋彌彰而你又識趣嘅話,扮唔知都不失為一件好事... 因為咁,可能佢反而感激你。

Tuesday, September 19, 2006



嘻嘻,近日小弟發現咗兩個唔可能嘅錯,想同大家分享吓!首先就係今日响公司 (係!冇錯!我已經搵到工仲返緊tim喇 :P) 收到一份由一間超大大廣告公司send嚟嘅文件,我睇睇吓嘅時候,俾我發現咗文件上面有一隻錯字*Specufucation*(見圖1),哈哈哈哈哈哈... 相信佢係想寫*Specification*啦!當我諗起個錯字嘅發音嘅時候我就不禁笑咗出嚟... "WHAT? Spec‧cu‧fuck‧ca‧tion???" @_@ 依個錯當然係唔可以接受啦,作為一間廣告公司,佢哋係suppose對文字嘅野比較敏感 (因為都會間唔中做吓proof-reading架嘛!),仲要係超大大嘅廣告公司喎,就更加唔應該啦...

另外一單仲搞笑,HBO話晒都係全球知名嘅電視台,right?竟然當我响上個weekend第4次翻炒我最喜愛而HBO都算幾收得嘅電視劇《Sex and the City》途中,俾我發現第2個Season某一集裡面有個*穿崩*鏡頭!!話說當Carrie寫緊佢個column之際,我見到佢後面個電視機反映到有人*遞咪*(見圖2),呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵!一個咁勁嘅電視劇响出街之前唔係已經俾唔同嘅人睇過幾百轉架喇咩??Umm... 所以話呢,佢哋依D咁Professional嘅都有錯嘅時候,自己做錯少少野又如何?!?Relax吓啦 :P

Monday, September 18, 2006

CONGRATS!! You got FREEDOMM now!!!

Exclusively for my dear friend R!

Thank you for sharing a bit of your life experience with me, it meant a lot to me!

Honestly, I really had no idea you are such a patient and tough person before I learn the truth. Well... it made me feel pretty shameful that knowing you for years but didn't really know who you are.

You're the only one, for the time being, show and assure me that no matter how worst we're dealing with in our daily lives, just as long as we struggle and fight for ourselves, we'll finally work our way out.

You know, you will deserve *something* better, much better in the future! Ooops don't forget to treat yourself better too... *HUGS*


是日精選【天真爛漫】tian zhen lan man


J例:嘻嘻... 今日去apm嘅時候,有一對情侶响我前面行緊,行行吓個男仔跌咗張100蚊落地下,跟住佢就見到張100蚊然後執返... V_V 佢以為佢自己好好彩執到,仲同個女友鬼死咁開心,認真天真爛漫呀!不過咁都幾好嘅,唔洗錢就換到*鬼死咁開心*嘅快樂,抵呀!!

Italian Tomato

One-day afternoon, V and I went to Italian Tomato for tea... even though it was a tea but I had two dishes of spaghetti with clams in garlic sauce and a cup of hot chocolate. The spaghetti is fine, a little greasy though, and it's pretty cheap which only costs $38/dish! As for the damn hot chocolate, I highly do not recommend any of you to order it there, ummm... it just isn't good value for money at all...

There are regular and large for all beverages in the drink list for your selection. The prices between regular and large are not much different (regular $16 and large $21), so then I ordered the large one. Well... I have no idea why the hell the large chocolate would turn out to be such little; as you may see it at the second picture, I didn't even have my first sip of it. Also, the cup is incredibly small!! Take a look at the third picture, it is merely a bit larger than a normal fork!! Really can't imagine how mini the regular one would be...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

諷刺文盲:一團和氣 + 解鈴還須繋鈴人


是日精選【一團和氣】yi tuan he qi +【解鈴還須繋鈴人】jie ling hai xu xi ling ren

解釋 - 一團和氣:原指態度和藹,與人關係和睦。今多指只講和氣,不講原則,不分是非。

解釋 - 解鈴還須繋鈴人:要從老虎頸項上把鈴鐺解下來,必須還由當初把鈴鐺繋上去的人來做才行。比喻由誰去惹出來的麻煩,還得由誰去解決。

J例:朋友之間一團和氣,又有邊個唔想?如果真係唔想嘅話呀,相信大家都唔會响聚會嘅時候一齊講返以前嘅開心事啦,係咪?大家都咁大個人,意見有分歧係在所難免... 當中真係有D咩誤會嘅,一定唔會單方面架,咁唔係應該大家都出嚟傾會比較直接同埋清楚咩?事出必有因,解鈴還須繋鈴人... 如果好似上面*一團和氣*嘅解釋咁講「只講和氣,不講原則,不分是非」的話,又何來有真正大家想要嘅一團和氣嘅日子呀?

Friday, September 15, 2006


是日精選【順水推舟】shun shui tui zhou


J例:話說怪獸某公司嘅創作總監H (英文名轉譯中文叫*頭髮*,好難定義佢係先生定女士!) 同肥M臭味相投,同樣都係咁鍾意邀功同出風頭,而依間怪獸公司又咁啱好重視依類人才。既然係咁,命不久矣嘅我何不嚟一個順水推舟,助佢哋一臂之力,幫佢哋急速上位,等佢哋可以快人一步、理想達到。同公司一齊同生死,攜手走向滅亡之路 :P


是日精選【畫虎不成反類狗】hua hu bu cheng fan lei gou


J例:如果知道自己真係學唔到或者扮唔到某D野,只好怪自己技不如人,但依個絕唔係你嘅錯... 只係你搵咗一D唔啱你做嘅野去做,咁你又*幹嘛*要格硬咁做呢?與其畫虎不成反類狗,不如你乾脆做返自己,唔會開心D咩?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


今日成日落住滂沱大雨,下晝出門口見工嘅時候因為冇雨所以冇帶遮 (as usual... V_V),哼... 點知跑緊返屋企嘅途中我為咗唔撞到人而急速煞制,就咁我就跌咗落個水氹到... 仲一野就*產*低咗前面個女人 (樣衰度係9.9、難度係3.4),搞到佢都仆低咗... 同埋佢嘅傷勢仲勁過我 :P MMM... 真係有D唔好意思!

經過一輪嘅混亂後,佢要求我俾返$100蚊睇急症D錢佢... 最尾我媽咪就入咗$1000蚊落佢戶口作少少補償囉...

P.S./ 而家D政府醫院都幾仆街架喎... 响急症室等嗰個女人嘅時候,我問D護士攞一滴咁多嘅火酒or消毒藥水嚟整理吓我隻腳個傷口啦... 但都要我俾錢先俾我... 死仆街!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006


是日精選【無出其右】wu chu qi you




Saturday, September 09, 2006


噚晚去唱K之前,阿S同我講佢發現咗一D關於佢個土耳其男友嘅野,講講吓佢就話俾我知佢之前去玩過塔羅牌 blah blah blah... 然之後我當然要八卦問吓準唔準啦,問問吓搞到我又好想玩吓嗃,跟住我哋就即刻去咗廟街玩,就咁樣我就响廟街到冇咗我隻占卜豬喇... :P 因為我咁大個仔都未正式玩過依D野... not even 求籤、睇相同算命等等...

排緊隊嘅時候,我開始構思我嘅問題,當然我係諗住問吓我嘅戀愛運啦,去嗰度嘅objective嚟架ma!但係諗諗吓又好似好唔實際咁,同埋*男人老狗*走去問愛情... UMM好似有DD樣衰 :P... 咁咪諗住問吓事業囉,不過阿S話佢之前都問過事業... 但冇咩特別... 經過阿S一番鼓勵同勸導下,基於詢眾要求,我就唯有問返愛情啦... 嘻嘻!

由於嗰條神婆法力有限,只可以問3個月內發生嘅事,咁我咪問年底前有冇拖拍囉... *冇!* 唔需要幾秒睇完D牌就答我... *冇!* 喂,你唔好再直接D!少hurt架ma... 佢下一句就補充話因為我放唔低先前嗰個 (係咩?!?!?有D拱嘅樹??),不過霧水情緣就有,唉... 都好過冇啦... :P 跟住佢就叫我抽一隻牌出嚟,而依一隻牌就會係塔羅俾我嘅提示!我抽出嚟嗰隻係皇帝,咁我就問佢我隻牌咩意思啦... 佢立即面色一沈,話我太過執著於之前段感情嘅事,遇到個新嘅就會攞嚟比較... 就算嗰個人點好我都會覺得唔好... that's why *冇!* ... mmm.. 又啱噃!唔怪得我咁煤啦...

之後成晚阿S就以為我唔開心 (其實我又冇野喎!) ... 佢最尾就搵機會贈咗2句歌詞俾我 "The best... is yet to come... 最好的... 尚未... 來臨..." 嘻嘻!好sweet呀,thanks muah!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Turkish food is on the menu tonight

Turkish food, Turkish boyfriend, Turkish coitus... everything - at the moment - is all about Turkey from the mouth of my dear friend S... 'cause she is recently in love with a Turk! Now, as in the transition of moving to a new job, she works as part-time waitress at a Turkish restaurant... guess she wanna get to learn more about Turkish culture and start with foods? Anyway, had a nice meal with two buds there which only costs HKD$100!! Well... S did the math :P Here you go the menu we ordered...

1.) Lentil soup $20 - Tasteless... umm maybe I don't really like pulses...

2.) Lahmachun $20 - Crispy! Finely chopped mutton and
the mixed sauce match up so perfectly!

3.) Doner sandwiches $35 - It's good too! Softtt rolls rolled up with grilled
juicy mutton, vegetables and some spices (no idea what are they :P)

4.) Fried chicken wings $45 - Doesn't taste any differences as you cook it yourself but it's fine though.

5.) Turkish tea $5 - How irony! I simply had a sip of the tea I could tell that it's actually the *Lipton tea*... but there really were some lovely customers asked my friend
what kinda tea was that? It just tasted so cool,
delicate and refreshing!! OH GOD.. you'd better go check and see if your taste bud functions really well.


開始咗搵工依幾日都過得相當充實,因為每日都好早 (8:00 a.m. something) 起身就開始搵工同send野,都occupy咗我成個上晝喇,有時會send到2-3:00 p.m. tim架!而下晝就睇起碼2款書 (a.) 英、德、日文法同埋 (b.) 中(繁&簡體)、英文長短篇小說或self-help書或textbook,唉... 冇辦法啦... 唔趁有時間equip吓自己,遲D出嚟點同班PK鬥過你死我活喎!夜晚就會煲吓電視劇relax吓咁囉...

直到今日 (9月7日) 終於有人搵我見工喇!依份工係一間廣告公司嘅Account Manager (人工當然okay至於褔利就冇幸去知喇),唔係4A但佢嘅客仔都唔少來頭,牌面都唔錯。不過我肯定依間公司工唔會請我,因為我嘅表現平平,同埋第一次in廣告公司有少少緊張,鬼咩!D人串ma... :P 但係我都好開心,遇到個好好好smart嘅interviewer,俾我學到好多關於廣告公司內部嘅野、佢哋諗野嘅方法,同埋最重要嘅一點係我越來越知道我想要咩喇!哼,我下一定唔會失手架!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


【問道於盲】wen dao yu mang


J例:而家好多人擺個款出嚟好似好識野咁,最難頂嘅就係佢哋都*以為*自己真係識咁多野,仲要串返你轉頭話你豬標點解咁都唔識喎... 哈哈!佢自己答返你嘅咪又係一大堆好似好有point嘅廢話!分分鍾你仲識得多過佢,當場識破佢又好似冇咩品咁... 畢竟人哋咁大個人有自尊ma... 其實問道於盲依家野都好易架咋喎!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Eventually the Prison Break has come out on Pearl tonight. Been seeing its DVD set at HMV for a while, I tended to buy it as I've finished my latest TV shows, Grey's Anatomy (First Season), but knowing that it'd be on TV soon... so I decided to wait. WELL... It didn't disappoint me, the show issss GREAT!!! I'll BUY it FOR SUREEE :P One thing really bewildering me is how does the storyline develop to Season four or five as the story is almost all about the prison? Umm...

Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) intended to commit a crime and planned to slip into a maximum security prison at Fox River Penitentiary, Chicago for saving his bro's life. It's because his bro, Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell), was being set up and sentenced to the death penalty that will be executed in one month after. Michael then tries to get him out of there and finds out who's responsible.

As the architect of Fox River Penitentiary, Michael got the blueprint tattooed on his top right before his plan to get into the prison. He is confiding in his ability to escape... and save his bro... but things seem to be more complicated than he expects.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


是日精選【苦盡甘來】ku jin gan lai


J例:開始咗第2日嘅搵工生涯,發現搵工的確唔易!莫講話要睇吓係咩公司、咩job nature、咩title、咩價錢及有冇prospect啦,又要好厭惡咁改嗰份討厭嘅cover letter同resume... 小心翼翼咁send咗個application出去又會有些少期望,唔覆你咩... 又要諗吓邊方面出咗問題... 如果你係一個唔樂觀嘅人就仲死得快!因為唔樂觀會導致冇心機,變得意志消沈而影響你嘅生產力,就算搵到分分鐘都未必係自己想要嘅...

好彩我嘅性格都幾樂觀,而家每日除咗要做routines之外,我會睇好多課外書去equip自己... 因為我相信嚟緊份工未出現嘅原因好可能係上天覺得我未well prepared啩... 雖然而家都唔係吃D咩苦頭,但都算有認真咁付出過呀,希望將會苦盡甘(金)來啦 :P

Friday, September 01, 2006

Ladies' FAVOR!!

Good news for sex loverss, especially for those HORNYYY and LONELLY old ladies!!! Series 'Play', the vibrators produced by Durex is now available at WATSONS!!!

This series of vibrators provide three levels of vibration, so when to have your orgasm is totally controllable! Also, the inbuilt charger function definitely wouldn't run out of battery and piss you off while you are getting so fxxking wet... well unless you're encountering the blackout at your place :P

Vibrator A - Play Charm ($699)
Vibrator B - Play Little Gem ($629)
Vibrator C - Play Wand ($699) <-- Sell BEST!!


是日精選【爐火純青】lu huo chun qing


J例:每次我遇到有唔公平嘅對待,我就會有咁毒就得咁毒咁去詛咒嗰D賤人、賤精、賤貨!有時會咒出口,有時就唔會... 好多時發洩完我就冇野架喇!我咒人嘅技藝已經到咗爐火純青嘅境界,最新嘅詛咒就係*鳳凰四重咒*,由佢嘅外婆開始咒起... 咒足佢四代!!!呵呵呵...