In alphabetical order...
1. A Master's degree in Media/Communication OR Journalism (Been suggested to do it next year, 2007)
2. Astronomical Observation (Class's already started. I've collected some useful info that I can learn more about the fundamentals myself @_@)
3. Cooking (I baked my first CAKE (BANANA flavor) one or two week's' ago!!! Yeahhh... but it wasn't eatable... 'cause I didn't put the sugar V_V)
4. English Calligraphy (Probably do it in HKU lah...)
5. Das Deutsch (Started picking up the grammar and vocabulary... currently am reading a German literature as well :P)
6. Harmonica (OH... am dying to learn that!! Gotta wait and see if my friend would join me... approximately will do it in November)
7. Mathematics (Will buy an exercise to review at first, then see what happensss)
8. Oil painting OR Watercolor (Will need some time to figure out which I like more***)
9. English Phonetics and Phonology (HEHEHE... enrolled the course commenced in October)
10. Thai Boxing (Wanna do it in Swish Club, YEAHH!!)
how come your list is so similar to mine?! and you've enrolled in the phoenetic class?! >_<~
btw.. the mars thing is apparently a hoax: http://www.floridastars.org/marshoax.2006.html
similar to yourssssss? how's yours?
comparing to your list...
#1 - in action, but different degree
#2 - always wanted to do it but nv did
#3 - well....
#4 - actually i want to do the chinese one more
#5 - well... deutsch, french and japanese... really want to pick them up again. but i guess it wouldn't work even if i have 72 hrs a day
#6 - I actually have a small one and could only do the C maj scale... wanted to go to class but don't think can commit to a fix schedule. plus mum'd nag me to death on why i don't practise piano instead
#7 & #8 - the are the only difference probably
#9 - i told you i wanted to join but your friend is too "shy" to let me join you
#10 - um.... i'd rather do yoga
similar enough?
cool.. so work them out loh!
UM.. it's easier said than done loh
did you see mars last night then?
well that depends on u just wanna say it or put them in practice lah...
oops... forgot it was 27th yesterday!! ehhh V_V
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