Monday, April 24, 2006


AHHH things get even worse... I didn't know that crappy *entourage* is aired on HBOOOO.. not until I searched for this picture just now... umm not surprisingly it claimed it's MEN's version of Sex and the City when it first launched into the market.

Vincent Chase, played by Adrian Grenier, the so-called rising star in Hollywood who loves partying, wandering around and doing nothing... NOTE! A RISING star can afford any houses he wants in Beverly Hills!! Umm SOUNDS Hollywood really makes big money huh :P but who knows a falling star may be eating shit down hills??? hehe well don't really wanna make any personal comments on this shitty TV series from my beloved HBO (Well... abso-fucking-lutely not so into its shows anymore... especially after knowing it starts producing crap!) ... I can only give it a word: SUPERFICIAL...

1 comment:

lu said...

your adsense is not working well. it's still giving you charity ads...